Friday, September 28, 2012

My Future In Recovery

This is the third part of my three part essay covering the pre-diagnosis, post diagnosis to present and future phases of my recovery. This third part will be about the future of my recovery experience. I will share my hopes that I have for my future as well as goals that I expect to achieve. It will look both at the distant future and more immediate future.

One of my short term goals is to leave the group home in which I currently reside. I will make a move towards independence by getting an apartment. Actually I am looking at renting a room in a house. The house where I will be living is in Brattleboro where I currently live. I will be sharing the house with 8 other people. I will have my own locked refrigerator and locked shelves. There will also be a residential manager for support. It is an affordable step for me to take.

I have certain things I will like to do in my recovery. One of these is to become more educated on mental health and recovery. I will go to support groups to learn more about my illness and recovery. I will also read other peoples stories of recovery from other blogs and books. I will hope to share much of what I learn with others. Schizophrenia played a dominant role in the writing of my life story. I believe that now I can make the most of what I have been given by sharing what I have experienced with others.

I believe I can be successful in my recovery. I also believe that my experiences with mental illness give me a powerful voice. This voice will help provide meaning and fulfillment in my life. I find sharing my story to be rewarding. One day I hope to be able to share this story with a larger audience than I am currently. My dream is to one speak publicly about my recovery experience. I will diligently work towards making this dream a reality, one day at a time.

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