Sunday, September 30, 2012

Training Periodization

Two or three years ago I read a book on bicycle training. This book was put out by bicycling magazine; it featured material on overtraining and training periodization. In cycling professionals will spend 6 hours a day on their bikes so overtraining is a serious issue. Overtraining is training to such an extent that it hinders your performance it can sometimes be career threatening. Training periodization helps to alleviate the stress of training.

In the bicycle training book it recommended doing 3 week periods of intense training. This intense training involved a lot of intervals (short high speed periods of riding.) The three week periods would then be broken up by a less structured and less intense week of training. Training in this way an athlete can reach his/her optimum performance level without being under undue stress.

Today I implement what I learned from that book to my routine. I do know I am not at risk for overtraining. I workout about 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours a day 6 days a week during my heaviest periods of training. I still believe that training periodization helps me feel better and allows me to not be too consumed about exercise. I do not stick by the 3 week period training sessions. Instead I will do heavy training until I start to feel bogged down by my routine. I then do a week or two of maintenance. This week or two is nice to have every so often. These one to two week periods of maintenance are usually 5 or 6 weeks apart. If you are a dedicated fitness enthusiast try to give yourself a break every so often. It's not only o.k. but I will help you in the long run.

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