Saturday, September 22, 2012

Going the Extra Mile

In a peer facilitated recovery group I attended yesterday a friend said something brilliant. I at least think it's brilliant. This friend was co-facilitating the group. She is in recovery from bi-polar disorder. She is also as it happens to be the editor for my blog

The discussion in the group was on willfulness and willingness. The topic of going the extra mile came up and my friend said that she always tries to go the extra mile. She then stated this "If I screwed up on the first mile, I can make it up on the next mile."

I went out on a walk and got a cup of coffee this morning, as I commonly do. Towards the final 10 to 12 minutes of this walk I thought about what my friend had said yesterday. I thought of how it applies to me on a personal level. In my life I have made plenty of mistakes. I have deeply hurt those who love me most. It is now that I have the opportunity to go that extra mile. I can go beyond what is expected of me and in the process partially right the wrongs in my life.

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