Sunday, December 23, 2012

WOW 200!

I have now published 200 articles. I had no idea I had all that inside me when I began. In the process of writing all that I have in the last 6 months I have learned quite a bit. I learned about all the matters and subjects I have researched. I've also learned quite a bit on how to write. However, most importantly I've learned that I have something to say.
This something I have inside me brings some people to this blog on a daily basis. It is something that people have told me makes a difference in their lives. I am happy to have discovered my voice; it pleases me very much to share with all of you my story of recovery.

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing that you were able to complete 200 posts, especially in a way to help others. I have always wanted to find my special voice as well, and it seems to me that once a person finally discovers that one special place all the words just come easily. :)
