Saturday, November 17, 2012

Breaking Chains

It is often the case that the hardest part of doing something is taking that first step. This was true of my morning. It was about 8:30 a.m. and I had been up since 4:00. I had already written, had breakfast, showered and so on. I still had an hour and a half  before the library opened. I was looking around my room as if I had nothing to do. I picked up a book of short stories and read one of its passages. It was a great story.
As time goes by and we neglect something in our lives we develop what is called inertia. We become resistant to doing something after a period of putting it off. This often happens with exercise. Inertia begins small, just like it was for me this morning, when I felt I had nothing to do. It slowly builds up until the resistance we demonstrate towards a particular interest or activity becomes immense.
I have a lot of inertia around developing female companionship. I have no problem talking to girls but lack the confidence to take the next step. The inertia I've developed has built up over an entire decade. It was about 10 years ago now that my symptoms of schizophrenia influenced me to withdraw from social interaction. It is very difficult for me now to get past the self imposed walls I have put up around developing intimacy. I am slowly making progress and will not give up hope.
It is best to keep a watchful eye when it comes to inertia. If you notice time go by without exercise, make a point to get out there. Inertia is entirely in our own perception and this perception becomes more and more distorted as time passes. Once we have taken the first step it is as if we have nothing to lose. We break the chains that previously held us back.

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