Friday, October 12, 2012

Leaving Meadowview

On November 1st I will be leaving the group home (Meadowview) I currently live in. I have been here since December 9th of 2011. I have done a lot at Meadowview. I lost close to 20 pounds. I quit smoking. I also accepted that I have a mental illness; I let go of delusions I held previously. I will be leaving Meadowview much better off than I have been in a long time.

I believe I have turned a corner in my life. One where I acknowledge I have the challenge of coping with schizophrenia. This step of accepting I have a mental illness means I understand I will never be rid of schizophrenia. This understanding oddly gives me hope. I have hope that I can properly manage my symptoms. I have hope that I can wisely avoid pitfalls that caught me off guard in earlier phases of my recovery. I can know from past experiences how to stay well and what to do when I am not well.

I will have a whole new set of challenges and experiences in this new chapter of my life. I will be impoverished at first and I will have to make all kinds of new friends. These challenges will hopefully inspire more writing material for me to share with all of you, my readers. This blog is the cornerstone of my personal practices right now. I am excited of what it will become in the future.

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