Thursday, October 11, 2012


You do not have to accept that because you have a mental illness, you will live a less productive life. You can achieve anything that you decide to. You will be challenged to do so. The rewards in achieving your goals will then be that much more meaningful to you.

There are many people who have had mental illnesses and are successful. There are psychiatrists who counsel others who deal with illness. There are also famous people who have dealt with major mental disorders. These disorders include depression, bipolar and others. These people are obviously quite extraordinary. They are smart and courageous. The fact that they have done these things should serve to inspire you and give you hope. You should believe that you can fully recover from your mental illness and resume a productive life.

My dream has always been to be a person of influence. I don't necessarily need fame or fortune. I want instead to make use of my potential in a powerful and meaningful way. The struggles I have had in dealing with schizophrenia have actually empowered me. I believe the set backs I have experienced in my recovery process have made me a stronger individual, more capable of realizing my dream.

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