Saturday, October 27, 2012


A little positivity can go a long way in a person's recovery. Positivity is akin to hope and without it a person has no reason to move forward. Thinking positively can be challenging. This is especially true when a person does not see a means to their personal recovery. I personally have had times when my outlook on life was far from positive. I can remember the last time I was hospitalized; I described life its self as being "a big shit hole."

I have certainly come a long way since then. This change has come from taking lots of small steps. It was done with the support of people who believed in me. At times, those of us who are in recovery will not look upon ourselves or circumstances with positivity. We need those around us to encourage us. My family, peers and the mental health professionals I have worked with were instrumental in my recovery.

I feel much differently about life than when I described it as being "a big shit hole." I guess if I were to paraphrase how I felt about life now I would describe it as being a privilege. This shift to a more positive outlook I have experienced sine leaving the hospital affects me tremendously. I am more active and sociable. I am also more self directed and goal oriented. I believe in myself much more than I did previously. I see myself in a different light. I feel validated by my life experiences and am a new person.

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