Thursday, January 3, 2013

Decisions Decisions Decisions

It is important to both be able to identify and accept our feelings as well as to not allow them to impede our best judgment. We will often have feelings of anxiety when embarking on something new. At times it may be best to be brave and take on what lay ahead of us. It can also be wise to take heed of what our gut feeling tells us.
I have two recent occasions in which I had a decision which caused me anxiety. I can remember feeling very similarly about each of the two instances but the outcomes were very different. One in which I found that my feelings were not grounded and I decided to do what was brave and go forward. The other I found that it was best to not proceed.
The first of the two recent decisions I had to make was whether or not to move out of my now former group home. I was unsure of if I was going to be able to budget my money after leaving the group home. As that if I had waited longer I would have been able to get into cheaper housing, I partially felt I should wait. I have had troubles with budgeting in times past and did not want to make a similar mistake again.
I took the time I needed to come about to a logical answer to my dilemma. I had talked to those around me about how I felt and this alleviated much of my stress. I think it was when I got a call from my future landlord and was informed that they had a place for me that my feelings changed. I realized the possibility of living on my own was real. I decided to not wait to move out and now am very happy in my new apartment.
The other instance in which I was very anxious about a decision I had to make was around publishing a book. I had the idea of making small books of selected articles from this blog to put up for sale. I wanted the books to be a self sustaining means of promoting the blog. I quickly realized that self-publishing was more costly than I thought. The book would not have ended up being what I originally intended and I decided to not publish.

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