Monday, December 31, 2012

Life Worth Living

I did not choose to have schizophrenia. It instead has been thrust upon me. This illness has taken years from my life. All from my early twenties until recently I've been in recovery. Whether I was in a hospital, jail, group home or at my parents I was living a "partial life." As opposed to a full and happy life mine was mired by adversity by illness.
The difficult part of having an illness like schizophrenia is that no one can give you the answers to your questions. They can nudge you to go out and find the answers yourself; it is still you who must come to terms with who you are and the circumstances that you have encountered.
The answers I've found include the realization and acceptance of my symptoms. It is however, the case that many answers I have come to find came through growth and personal fulfillment. The type of growth that can only come from facing adversity holds many answers. Schizophrenia mostly has taught me to never give up.
There was one question answered that made me know I could never give up. That was that my life was worth the effort needed to recover from my illness. Learning this lesson has given me new life. I now see the challenges in my life at face value. I know my life is well worth the effort of overcoming any obstacle.

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