Tuesday, December 18, 2012

To Accept and Adapt

There are certain things in our lives that we can not change. We can however, learn to live with these things. Whether it be a mental illness or past mistakes, we can move beyond obstacles in our paths. We can choose to accept them and then adapt as well.
I have made many steps in my recovery. These steps in time can add up to being miracles. I can't get rid of my illness, but I can live with it. I can infact live just as well as anyone else. If you knew me years ago you would know how miraculous this is.
The challenge in life is often not to be able to change our circumstances. It can instead be to accept them and then choose to do our best in spite of these circumstances. So when you find yourself in a situation that can not be changed, be patient. As long as you don't give up you can achieve what it is that you need to. You may even come out of your struggles having gained more than you had lost.

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