Thursday, December 6, 2012


I currently do not own a television. I am finding that I am using my time better without a t.v. than I would with one. This is not my first time living without a television. I was without one at times in my early twenties as well. In those times I can remember reading a lot. I feel as though they were times that I have mostly fond memories of.
I think the good of not having a t.v. outweighs the bad. I know others who don't own televisions and I think they are smarter for it. I am now thinking that in the future I may remain without television. Whereas right now I don't have one for financial reasons.
There are many great ways to spend your time not watching t.v. in addition to reading. I have been regularly going on hikes with one of my friends. I of course spend time writing and I exercise too. I'm happy with how my days are being spent. I feel thankful that I am not dependent on the television to pass the time.

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