Friday, December 21, 2012

Whole-Self Acceptance

We have to be able to accept our circumstances and shortcomings to see exactly what we have to offer the world. The type of serenity that comes from accepting what is and what has been is quite liberating. It frees us to see what is possible. As opposed to holding on to regret which spawns negativity and a general lack of ambition.
We can only experience wholeness with acceptance. We are without acceptance a work in progress. I can say that in my recovery that I have to realize that I am beautiful just the way I am. We are all unique and deserve our own acceptance of our entire being. We must have love for ourselves.
Once we are able to have love for ourselves we can much better enact our hearts in the world. We no longer hide behind a veil of ambiguity. The ambiguity I speak of is one in which we seek superficiality instead of openness and giving. We must lay down a foundation before we can construct a beautiful home for all to see.

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