Friday, December 28, 2012

Live And Be Happy

I have had many experiences in my life. I have traveled to numerous places and had all kinds of work. In all my adventures I have continued to forge a deeper awareness of self. I have come to understand how I work, what motivates me and what gives me pleasure or enjoyment. Whether it be from mistakes or triumphs I have come to know myself.
I believe we must do many wrong things to see the opportunity presented when the right thing comes our way. Whether it be the existence of a guiding force that permeates all humanity or something more intrinsic. When we deviate from our purpose we are pulled even harder towards personal fulfillment. It is as if there were a rubber band tied to both our souls and to our destiny. When we neglect our soul when we deviate from our path this rubber band becomes taught.
It is this way that we are guided towards personal fulfillment. We do not necessarily live to attain personal fulfillment. We can tug to hard at the rubber band if we do not nourish our souls. If we choose to ignore the voice inside us that tells us what we are doing is right or wrong the rubber band can even snap.
If we are both patient and hopeful we can live with purpose. We need to grow and learn through life experience first. This way we will know and understand what draws us in allowing us to flourish and be happy. We can know how far to stretch the rubber band as well. As we likely will not live in a linear fashion we may need to temporarily stray from our intended purpose. If we know ourselves well enough and we nourish our souls we will return to what we are compelled to do. We will live and be happy.

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